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“Agree or disagree, O’Malley is such an interesting, thoughtful, lucid writer, that exploring his ideas on any subject is a pleasure. Very much worth your time.”
- Ian Dunt

“There are few people whose writing I enjoy more”
- Hannah Fry

“James O’Malley’s Odds and Ends of History is good for niche, nerdy politics.” - Helen Lewis

Welcome to Odds and Ends of History, a newsletter where I break down big ideas and try to explain clearly how we should think about them. I’m deliberately covering a wide range of topics, ranging from politics, to policy, to explaining why people on Twitter are talking nonsense.

My slightly pretentious goal is to try to make you think harder about the issue at hand.

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Why that thing you retweeted is probably wrong.


Writer and journalist covering politics and technology. I tweet as @Psythor.